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It’s summer: time to shed those pesky winter pounds and get out in the sun for some high-energy fun! Now, everybody wants to lose a little weight before they hit the beach; but did you know that the secret to a slimmer and healthier you is as easy as drinking your favorite Gano Excel coffee drinks?
Loads of recent research suggest that drinking a few cups of coffee a day can lead to dramatic results for your waistline.
In fact, some researchers are even saying that a few cup of black coffee — iced or hot — is better for your body, mind, and weight loss goals than those expensive dietary supplements all the celebrities are hawking nowadays!
So, what’s the secret to coffee’s belly fat-busting powers?
1. COFFEE IS A GREAT APPETITE SUPPRESSANT! Because of its caffeine content, a cup of coffee can help quell your desire for a midday snack. The caffeine in coffee curbs your appetite, while the delicious taste satisfies your taste buds. Good-bye candy bar, hello coffee break!
2. COFFEE IS LOW-CAL! In an article about the best beverages for weight loss, Yahoo! Health writer David Zinczenko tells us that a regular cup of coffee — even with sugar and cream — is almost 200 calories less than a fancy blended coffee drink.
(By way of comparison, check out this article we posted last year about Ganocafe’s calorie content versus another popular brand. The winner is clear!)
3. COFFEE KICK-STARTS YOUR METABOLISM! That’s right — the caffeine in coffee is a great way to raise your basal metabolic rate on a daily basis, leading you to burn more calories even when not engaged in physical activity. Furthermore, the extra boost of energy — especially the sustained boost from Gano Excel’s evolved products — can lead to better, more vigorous work-outs!
Of course, all of these amazing benefits depend on choosing the right coffee. You won’t see great weight loss results by slurping down expensive, high sugar caramel frappaspresso’s or what-have-you; instead, opt for a cup of good, old black coffee, flavored conservatively to your tastes. And when it comes to black coffee, nothing beats Ganoderma Lucidum-enriched Ganocafe: the only truly evolved coffee on the market!
With the arrival of summer, many of us would like to shed a few pounds before heading to the beach or the pool in our swimwear. In our latest Gano Excel blog, you can learn about how drinking GanoCafÉ can actually assist you in your weight loss goals…
The blog details how Gano Excel’s coffee beverages are low in calories, act as appetite suppressants, and jump start your metabolism – all traits that are sure to help you in your quest to trim your waist line.
Check out the blog for more details including links to other articles and research highlighting the weight loss benefits of coffee. Also, you can check out this interview with actor Christian Bale, who talks about how he lost 1/3 of his body weight for his role in “The Machinist” – by dieting only on coffee and apples. We don’t suggest that anyone try that at home, but it certainly serves as a real world example of how coffee can contribute to weight loss!